Equal Treatment Plan

Adopted: 2011-12-06 (In Swedish)
Last Revised: 2022-10-1(In Swedish)


Kuratorskollegiet (KK) has established an equal treatment policy that is adopted by the student nations in Lund. The equal treatment policy involves the seven foundations of discrimination: gender, disabilities, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age and gender - fluid identities or expression, and religion or other beliefs; and is based upon Swedish law (Diskrimineringslagen 2008:567). Blekingska Nation intends to follow this policy and actively work against discrimination of any kind, and this equal treatment plan should therefore be a cornerstone of all work at the nation.

Preventive Work

The Qurator, together with the seniorskollegium equal treatment committee, has the ultimate responsibility for the nation’s work on this issue. Active members of the nation shall be informed regarding the existing equal treatment policy from KK, and the related plan that the nation follows. The active kuratel has ultimate responsibility to inform the tjänstemän, and this is done during events like tjänstemanna-meetings and/or tjänstemanna-educations. From there the tjänstemän are responsible to make sure the policy is followed during their committees and during the nation’s activities by informing their workers and guests when needed. All active members of the nation are to actively work to prevent language and actions that may be interpreted as discriminatory. Other members and guests can reach the plan on the nation’s website. The seniorskollegium equal treatment committee can, during the semester, arrange an official meeting for the members of the nation to discuss the nation’s work regarding equal treatment.

The equal treatment policy and the nation’s equal treatment plan shall always be accessible at the nation’s office in the binder for policies and shall be included in the material given to the nation’s elected members. It should always be possible to contact the Qurator to answer any questions regarding the policy or plan.

Course of action

All newly elected shall receive the equal treatment policy from KK in Lund and the equal treatment plan of Blekingska Nation.

A responsible person is

• Firstly, the one responsible at the nation activity.
• Secondly, the Qurator at Blekingska Nation.
• Thirdly, any other member of the kuratel at Blekingska Nation.
• Fourthly, the Inspectors of Blekingska Nation.

Taking action

In the event of discrimination and/or harassment a responsible person shall:

• Gather as much information regarding the event as possible.
• When possible, contact the concerned parties to inform them about the situation and offer them help.
• Contact and inform the Qurator about the event.

Furthermore, the kuratel shall:

• Be informed by the Qurator about the event.
• Offer the affected parties help with filing a police report.
• Document the event anonymously in a way that safeguards the sensitive nature of matter.

Furthermore, the Likabehandlingsgrupp shall:

• Convene to discuss ways of preventing similar events from happening again.

In the event of a person being subjected to discrimination and/or harassment, or if a person is made aware of such an event, an elected member shall immediately be contacted who in their turn takes immediate action and informs the kuratel.

In the event of a person being subjected to discrimination and/or harassment, and does not want to or is not able to contact the kuratel, they are to first contact the seniorskollegium, via senior@blekingska.se. If they want to contact an independent party, then they can contact Student Ombudsman at Lunds Universitets Studentkårer (LUS).


Blekingska Nation’s equal treatment plan and its functions shall be evaluated annually, and when needed, be revised. There shall also exist goals for the equal treatment in the nation’s bi-annual plan. These goals shall be brought forward by senior’s equal treatment group together with tjänstemän that wishes to participate. The evaluation of the equal treatment work at the nation shall happen before the end of the semester and the people responsible for this happening is the equal treatment group in seniors. Events that have happened during the semester and the actions relating to the events shall also be evaluated and brought to the seniorskollegium. The goals for the equal treatment group shall also be evaluated and revised.