Kandidatur till lagtima nationsmöte 8:e december 2022: Valberedare fyllnadsval HT22-VT23
/Hello everyone!
My name is Victoria Wester and this term I’ve served as your devoted Källarmästare. I am now looking for new challenges and I am hereby applying for a post in Valberedningen.
During this autumn I’ve spent numerous hours at the nation, organizing, planning orders, talking to suppliers, supporting tjänstemän when needed and so on. While this has been incredibly fun and rewarding work, I look forward to contributing to the nation from more of a behind the scenes perspective.
Previously, we’ve had a former Kuratelare in Valberedningen which is currently not the case. I believe I can complement Valberedningen primarily with my experience as a Kuratelare and the insights I’ve gotten from that work. During the term I’ve gotten to attend many different meetings, such as Balradet, and I’ve worked with almost everyone active at the nation. Not only do I know what is required from people in the Kuratel and what the day-to-day work entails, I’ve also developed a good understanding of how the different utskott work and what challenges they face. I believe this knowledge can aid Valberedningen in the nomination processes for both tjänstemannaposter and kuratelsposter. Additionally, I’ve also attended seniors-meetings this term which have given me an understanding of the work seniors do and what is required from seniorsmembers.
As some of you know, I’ve previously worked as a project manager at Volvo. One of my tasks there was to create a team to lead through a reorganization process. I had to hold many interviews and through them build a well-functioning team. I believe this experience makes me a strong candidate for Valberedningen. During my time as project manager I was asked to attend a course in organizational management and leadership. This course included lectures in group psychology and how to create healthy collaborative teams. While there is a huge difference between what we do at Blekingska and what happens at a global corporation like Volvo, I believe this knowledge can be useful for Valberedningen and the nomination process.
I strongly believe that my previous professional experience paired with the insights I have gathered as Kuraletare this term makes me a good complement to Valberedningen. Here, I would like to support the nation’s ongoing growth and further contribute to the future of Blekingska.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Yours truly,
Victoria Wester