Motkandidatur till lagtima nationsmöte 8:e december 2022: PR-tjänsteman fyllnadsval VT23
/My name is Alba Planchart and I am presenting a counter-candidacy to become a PR-tjänsteman at Blekingska Nationen. Since I have returned to Lund less than a month ago, I did not have a chance to have an interview with Valberedning but I wanted to express my interest on the position and my willingness to do the work.
I have already held this position in the past, since November 2021 until July 2022. I had to leave it since I was going away for an internship but I would love to be back in the team. At the time, I already shared my experience with social media in previous organizations: I had been working in PR for a student union in my home university, for the student’s assembly and for a neighborhood association I was part of. This has allowed me to work with social media in different environments, oriented towards different public and creating diverse digital content. Likewise, I believe that my organizational skills and commitment are of great use, especially when it comes to being a PR-tjänsteman where we have to schedule most of the posts, stick to a plan and organize campaigns.
During the time I was part of the utskott, I had the chance to learn about the nation’s structure, ways of functioning and its promotion strategies. When I joined the team, it was being restructured and many changes were to be made; after some hard work and team effort, we were proudly able to say that some improvements were made in regards to Blekingska’s content and in terms of PR internal dynamics. I was able to take part in creative processes: designing posters and headers, editing pictures, coming up with short and medium term PR campaigns... but I was also able to participate in more organizational roles: we started using scheduling tools for our posts, we implemented a weekly plan for the team, we started to share tasks and divide the work... All in all, I had the opportunity, with the other PR-tjänsteman, to improve my skills, to know better the utskott and to get used to their internal dynamics, which I believe make me a good candidate for the position.
Lastly, I would like to be part of the PR-utskott to experience how it is currently functioning after the move and all the changes that have been implemented over the summer: having a greatly structured team, with more resources and greater planning, and to be able to work with a PR-Chef that can supervise the work and guide us through long-term strategies. Overall, I would love to be active again within Blekingska to continue contributing to the comfortable, safe and fun space I believe it is.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for considering my candidacy,
Alba Planchart